Monday 8:00am-11:30am, 12:30pm-2:30pm, 4:30pm-7:35pm – 8hr 35 min
Tuesday 9:35am-11:45am, 12:30pm-2:30pm, 4:15pm-6:30pm – 6hr 25 min
Wednesday 8am-11:30am, 12:30pm-2:30, 4:30-5:30, 7:00pm-11:30pm -11hr
Thursday 9:30am-11:30am, 5:00pm-6:15, 8:45-10:30 – 5hr
Friday 8:00am-11:45am, 3:45pm-5:00pm, 8:00pm-11:45pm – 8hr 45min
Saturday 11:00am-7:30pm – 8:30pm-11:35pm 11hr 35min
Total this week 51hr 20min
Total overall 250hr
This week was another podcast and then preparation for our event in Fort Worth on Saturday. I did an interview with Mara Gordon who has done Ted Talks. The beginning did not go well because we had a microphone issue on her end of the stream, fixed it, and then it came back as we started the interview up. Turned out she was having an issue with her webcam microphone and switched to a mic built into some earbuds.
It is frustrating having those types of issues for several reasons. One is that you can’t be with them to take a physical look and walk them through a troubleshooting process. And even if you did it the way that a tech support person does, usually the person on the other end winds up telling you they don’t see what you’re talking about or repeats back information that doesn’t matter. Or the person just flat out doesn’t do what you tell them to do, then remarks the solution doesn’t work until they do what you said, and then pass it off as something else despite they’re saying exactly you told them to do the first time.
The other part is when a malfunction happens in the middle of the recording, you cannot tell if it is just you or everyone else hearing/seeing the issue. I don’t want to interrupt them and throw them off with trying to restart the conversation, especially for something that may be an issue on my end. I also have a time crunch to be on as the podcast must be done within 1 hour as scheduled. So the more the podcast gets delayed at any point, the less wiggle room I have to record it.
The even was a from 11am-7pm, but required me to be around past the event ending to deal with break down and cleanup. I did log my time driving there and driving back because that is work related travel. I see it as this. If a lawyer can bill every quarter hour to a client that they had to drive to the courthouse, I can consider the drive times associated purely for my internship as being “on the clock.”
I learned that despite having some really steady hands for filming, for an event like this again I will need to buy a gimbal.