After an advanced social media analytics class, there was a search to fix a problem I did not know existed. Our Instagram page has a link in the bio. Nothing that isn’t considered bad on it’s own. The issue really sits with the fact that my organization was using a third party service to do this. One reason that is not good, is that we have our own WordPress site.
WordPress offers a feature built into the WYSIWYG system to create buttons. Buttons just like a third party service similar to LinkTree. I had no idea that WordPress had this feature available. I was looking for ways to create curated page with images similar to how TXST does their Instagram or the Washington Post made their own. It was going to be complicated to create a system like that where the people working with me would be able to update it easily. And even then the other staff wouldn’t likely be able to update it easily.
When I found out that one could create those buttons, I began to experiement and place the links from our current LinkTree into a special page on our site. This would allow for anyone clicking the link on our IG page to be directed to our website instead of a third party. From there they can click a link they desire or view the rest of our site. This keeps traffic coming to us and not a third party. And from there we are creating backlinks to outside articles we may be linking to. This in the long term will boost our SEO for our website.
As well, I set up our organization for Google Business so that it can be listed as such in searches on Google. This is part of a strategy known as Google My Business. This helps to drive SEO for a website associated with a business. If people are searching for terms relative to your business/operation, it can help to have the site appear as an option. From there if people are Googling for your operation, that signifies to Google that they need to have your website/business appear in searches related to your type of activities.
Outside of that the editing work was done a little bit different for news. I’m trying to experiment with different ways to capture the video and eliminate Streamyard from the equation whenever possible. For our podcast, that’s not really an option unless I learn to get some code together and make my own version. But for the 5-6 minute news updates that go out every week, and only have me on video, that can change. The issue now is that the green screen behind me during recording isn’t evenly illuminated despite being blasted with light. So Premiere has a harder time with ultra-key vs the one built into Streamyard. The last video I made I had to use several ultra-key FX applications to make the background look proper.
Sunday 12:30pm-3:30pm 4:15pm-7:30pm – 6hrs 15min
Monday – 8:15am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-2:30pm 3:30pm-4:30pm 6:15pm-7:30pm – 6 hrs 30 min
Tuesday – 9:30am-12:20pm, 4:15pm-6:45pm – 5hr 20min
Wednesday – 8:15am-11:15am, 12:45pm-2:45pm, 3:30pm-4:45pm – 6hr 15min
Thursday – 9:35am-10:45am – 1hr 10min
Friday – 8:15am-11:45am, 12:30pm-2:00pm – 5hr
Saturday – 1:00pm-2:30pm -1 hr 30min
Total for Week – 32hr Total Overall- 167hours 20 min